today 🎬 we are talking about when your mind is relaxed it tends to go back to default. But this default is always wandering and thinking what will happen next. That is normal, it’s our brain preparing us for whatever comes, it helps us react in unexpected events. You have to watch these thoughts like someone watching a movie. Don’t engage with the thoughts like you were part of that movie, as you were really that character. No. It’s just your brain telling you a story. Observe. Feel. Let it go✨
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© Cantibeall and, 2015-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cantibeall and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
What distinguishes us from other species is also a root of some of today’s problems in our society. We are always expecting the future. Thinking about the future and building a future not only for us but for the society is what makes humans great. However, nowadays it can cause a lot of pain, distress, depression and anxiety. How? We worry about our lives, if we’re doing the right things, going to the right path, or even if our nation is going to the right path.
We can also consider that as a good thing. We are always doing our best to have a better future, we don’t think about our past because it’s already gone. Looking at this way, you can assume that no matter what happened you still have hope and expectations for a better future and whatever you do right now is going to be able to help you reach your goals. And no matter what happened, we will be successful because of our past. Because of our mistakes. We constantly remember the past not because we’re upset about it, but because we want to learn in order to imagine and make a better future.
We become wiser, not only from our own experiences but also by what other people experienced. Of course that in some situations we have to feel it ourselves in order to learn. And that’s ok. We are allowed to make mistakes. But all of our language, laws, computer, internet, technology in general was all built because someone else’s experiences. All the hard work we do today will be paid off in the future.
Make plans. Outline your goals. This will not only help you get where you want to go but also lower your stress level and relax you. If you’re planning and executing your plan, you know you’re doing the best you can. I know sometimes it can be stressful because you start imagining all the things that can go wrong, but you have to try to be optimistic. Not only because it creates a better expectation for the future, and you will do things better when you are feeling better, but it also helps you here and now.
When your mind is relaxed it tends to go back to default. But this default is always wandering and thinking what will happen next. That is normal, it’s our brain preparing us for whatever comes, it helps us react in unexpected events. You have to watch these thoughts like someone watching a movie. Don’t engage with the thoughts like you were part of that movie, as you were really that character. No. It’s just your brain telling you a story. Observe. Feel. Let it go. Most of the things that pass through our minds are never real, and most of the problems you will think you have, will never be a real problem, therefore, enjoy what you have right now and be happy for whatever comes in your way next.
© Cantibeall and, 2015-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cantibeall and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.