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Writer's pictureCANTIBEALL

020. DON'T BE PART OF YOUR BRAIN'S TV SHOW - you are not the character! choose not to identify w/ it

today 🎬 we are talking about the Mindtflix show, a TV show that your mind creates. But you, the watcher, can choose in engaging in that conversation or not. You choose not to. Stop the habit of identifying yourself in those thoughts. Stop identifying yourself in that tv show your brain creates. You cry, you feel the pain, but you don’t forget that you are NOT part of that reality tv show that your brain is producing.

Watch the VIDEO or read the BLOG POST

© Cantibeall and, 2015-2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cantibeall and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

If your mind is going crazy, you have to be the one behind it watching it go crazy. How? Stop whatever you’re doing and meditate. If you don’t like meditating, take deep breaths, watch all of those thoughts passing in front of you, watch them develop. Don’t engage with them. You have to be the one behind it. Feel curious about them. “Oh that is interesting, why am I worried about that?”. The mind is the machine, working for you, it’s constantly trying to find a better answer, a better solution for your problem, it’s constantly examining what is happening and what has happened. You are the one behind it, observing, witnessing it. You are not that machine.

I’m not my body, not my mind, I’m witnessing it. What we are experiencing right now may transform your life, but all the craziness, things that makes you mad, sad, in pain, is outside of you, you’re just a witness watching these things unfold. You can choose to feel the pain, to feel the sadness. We are humans, we feel things, but you can choose not to engage with them and make them take over your entire life.

Things are capable of driving you crazy because you let them do so. You were making those things real, you were the one building and engaging with those thoughts. You chose to believe in them. These bad thoughts and attachments that your mind creates are there, and they will always be there. But you must be the one observing them. Only. You cannot identity yourself with those thoughts. You were just watching them coming and passing. You were on the hills, watching those thoughts.

You are watching a Netflix show, a show that your mind creates. But you, the watcher, can choose in engaging in that conversation or not. You choose not to. Stop the habit of identifying yourself in those thoughts. Stop identifying yourself in that tv show. You cry, you feel the pain, but you DON’T forget that you are NOT part of that reality tv show that your brain is producing. You forgot. You forgot that you are not part of that. It’s a creation of your own mind. Break free of that creation. Don’t become part of that tv show.

© Cantibeall and, 2015-2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cantibeall and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



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