In the Inspirational Class Video today 🎬 we are talking about CHANGING YOUR LIFE BY CHANGING THE WORLD around you 💙✨ Nothing is settle. Nothing is permanent. Suffering, pain, difficulties exist but they all come to pass. Everything pass. If we understand this concept you can save yourself. You can save 🚑 yourself from hurting yourself. From spending hours, days, months, years in pain. Death is coming, the ultimate moment of our life will come. And when it comes, let’s have a good death 👌. Coming from a place where we had peace within us, and love and that we were able to spread to our neighbours and family. Bring peace to the world and the world will bring you peace.
Watch the VIDEO or read the BLOG POST
© Cantibeall and, 2015-2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cantibeall and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
The understanding of impermanence can be difficult to grasp. Nothing is settle. Nothing is permanent. Suffering, pain, difficulties exist but they all come to pass. Everything pass. If we understand this concept you can save yourself. You can save yourself from hurting yourself. From spending hours, days, months, years in pain. Death is coming, the ultimate moment of our life will come. And when it comes, let’s have a good death. Coming from a place where we had peace within us, and love.
A death with no regrets, I did my best. I tried to excel in everything I did. I didn’t leave it for tomorrow, or later. Because I did everything in the present moment. Today. Now. I do my best. The place I am right now is the best place I could be because I make it the best place in the world, because I am present. I am here. The neighbourhood, the family, the apartment I am in. It’s the best place of the world.
How can we make a place, a better place? How can you stop pointing things out that are wrong and actually bringing joy and help the environment you’re in? Not only in your house, but also in the world. It all starts with you in your house. But then it goes outside, it goes wherever you go. You’re colouring the grey outside world.
Life will be more pleasant when you notice that everything changes all the time and that those changes can start with you in your own environment. And how do you start those changes within you? Telling yourself how important you are for yourself and for this world. Remembering that the place you are now is a great place because you’re in it. Doing the best you can do today, now, this minute.
Let’s become an enlightened path so we can show others the way. May all of this spread among many beings, so they can also change their surroundings.
© Cantibeall and, 2015-2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cantibeall and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.